Repair Dead Pixels of LCD Sereens

Posted by Faheem Mustafa

Sometimes, you may fail to identify the exact problem in LCS screen. It is common problem all of users of LCS like Pixcels on might be dead. Rizon Pixel Repair is a freeware app that easily help you for detecting dead pixels on your LCD.

      Courtesy The Soft Help
You can use the ‘Dead pixel locator’ section on ‘Rizone Pixel Repair’ to look for dead or stuck pixels. You can also use this section to help you find dirty little spots and dust when you clean your screen (Because dust doesn’t show on all colours). Now, after you’ve located stuck pixels, try to repair them with this tool. Set the colour mode, press go and place the flashy window thingy under the stuck pixel. Sometimes this unsticks that pixel, but as stated before, not always.

Note : Although, it is free , you can save your money and work effectively but sometimes it fails to repair the dead spots on your screen. 

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